Something else that I've had problems with is that Al doesn't understand that when someone doesn't get to bed very early, it isn't nice to wake them up early! I've tried to explain to him many times that I need my sleep, but he just doesn't get it. I should have known not to get a brand new graduate!
Did you know that for every hour the average person sleeps, they are supposed to be awake for two hours?
Only two! One time I figured out that for the last 49 hours, for every hour I had been asleep I'd been awake for
6.5 hours!! Al and I had some intense discussions after this discovery, I mean, enough is enough!
For awhile, everything was fine, even though when I did wake up he would look at me and say
"You are a sad, strange little girl, you have my pity, farewell" Just when did
he watch Toy Story?
The problem is, he has started waking me up early again! This is infuriating!! My brothers alarm clock must have thought him this! :-/ But, I think we have finally reached an understanding. I told him that if he only woke me up at the times that I told him, I would tell him a secret, he agreed to this and so I told him that in the mornings when he woke me up (At the times that I specified) if he was really loud about it, he might be able to wake up some of my siblings as well! He was overjoyed by this, only really big and important alarms could wake up more then one person at once, it was the ultimate badge of honor to be able too!
I'm glad to say that I think he is finally trained! (I just gave up with the "give me five" thing, that was also part of the agreement we made!) *sigh* They grow up so fast!