Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Your trapped in a well...

....with a goat and a slinky. Describe how you will escape. (I did not make this question up)

First of all, I would not get trapped in the well, but for the sake of argument, I will say I did.

If I was a doctor, the answer would be simple. I should have cared for the sick and left the well alone!

If I was an archeologist, the answer would still be simple. It was likely a vintage slinky and 100% valuable, in which case it wouldn't matter that I was trapped!

If I was a blond, I likely went down there to give the goat directions on how to get out and was intending to send it for help, so I still didn't know I was trapped.

If I was MacGyver, I would use the slinky to make a Katyusha or Redstone rocket, intricately braid some goat hair to make a wick and wait until the sunlight reflecting from my watch heats the end of my astoundingly clever wick enough to light it, then grab onto the rocket as it shoots me (literally) away to freedom. (No animals where hurt during the explanation of this theory)

If I was a lawyer, I would simply talk my way out of it!

If I was smart, I would have stayed far away from the well!!

Now here’s a question. There is a goat and a slinky in a well. There is also a doctor, an archeologist, a blond, a lawyer and MacGyver all stuck done there too. You find them. What would you do?

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