Sunday, December 14, 2008

Ball Gown

My sisters and I attended an Old South Fall ball while on a vacation in West Virginia visiting friends. We all made our own dresses, but the oldest girls helped decide what designs to do. I used a retro pattern and added the ruffle. When I bought the pattern I didn't expect to ever use it but I really liked it. I've used it four times now and my sister has used it once(making something for me, love ya sis;) ). Here is my dress!

I made the top and ruffle out of velvet and I'm not certain but I think the skirt is cotton.
My sister lent me her pair of shoes and they looked perfect, they were black velvet with two strips of fabric at the top that matched the skirt perfectly!


Hannah Moss said...

Wow, what a beautiful dress! I am sure you would look quite lovely in it...I wish I could see you in it. ;D

Cecropia said...

Thank you Hannah. Maybe you could see week?! ;)